Fan to keep pets cool
Preventing sun burn for pets
Don't leave your pets in the car. Temperatures inside a car on an 85-degree day can reach 102 degrees in 10 minutes and after 30 minutes, it can get to 120 degrees.
A large selection of fans and heaters that are ideal for pets can be found at
The fans and heaters are weather proof and have double insulation to protect pets.
The pet heaters and pet fans are on a clearance sale at the moment and prices have been drastically reduced.
When your pet is outside, make sure your pet has protection from heat and sun and plenty of fresh, cool water. Heat stroke can be fatal for pets.

On very hot days, go out in the early morning or evening hours. Be especially careful with pets who have white-colored ears, as they are susceptible to skin cancer, and short-nosed pets.
Also, asphalt gets blazing hot and can burn your pet's paws.
Symptoms of heatstroke include heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, restlessness, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever, dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, and unconsciousness. Lower your pet's body temperature gradually by applying ice packs or cold towels to her head, neck, and chest, or run cool (not cold) water over her. Let your pet drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes. Take your pet directly to a veterinarian.
Hypothermia or overheating is not uncommon in the spring and summer months. The most common causes of hypothermia are animals being locked in hot cars, engaging in heavy exercise in hot weather, and being left outside without adequate water and shelter.
Signs of hypothermia can be.
- Excessive panting and/or difficulty breathing
- Bloody diarrhea or vomit
- Salivating
- Depression or seizures
- Collapse
Dogs that are suffering from hypothermia need to be cooled down and immediately taken to a veterinarian. One of the bets ways to cool a dog down is to place water soaked cloth on the dog’s chest, paws, neck, and abdomen. Even after your dog has cooled off, he needs to be seen by a veterinarian. Consequences of hypothermia can include respiratory and kidney problems and seizures or swelling of the brain. Even if your dog seems fine, these consequences can sometimes not show up for hours or even days. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you what symptoms you should be on the lookout for.
A large selection of fans and heaters that are ideal for pets can be found at
The fans and heaters are weather proof and have double insulation to protect pets.
The pet heaters and pet fans are on a clearance sale at the moment and prices have been drastically reduced.
Cool beds for pets are a good way of keeping pets body temperature down of hot days.
With cooled dog beds, you can protect your beloved dog from being parched or acquiring possible skin problems due to heat waves or overexposure to sunlight.
The cool bed is superb at comforting dogs with hip and joint ailments, skin disorders, and other health conditions. The cool pet bed is maintenance-free and easily wiped clean. Fleas cannot burrow or lay eggs in this device.
Cooling jacket is a simple, easy to use jacket that you simply soak in water.
If your dog has not discovered the Cool bed in a couple of weeks place a bed sheet over the top of the cooler and put a couple of dog treats on the bed sheet
Let your dog go out into the backyard to play, go on a hike or camping trip, and this cooling jacket will keep your dog safe from heat exhaustion and comfortable during hot days.