keeping a pet cool
Pets that overheat must have their core temperature reduced and Veterinarian treatment obtained.
An adequate supply of water and shade must be available for your pet at all times.
Never leave your pet unattended in a car. On hot days your pet can dehydrated rapidly.
A large selection of fans and heaters that are ideal for pets can be found at
The fans and heaters are weather proof and have double insulation to protect pets.
The pet heaters and pet fans are on a clearance sale at the moment and prices have been drastically reduced.
dehydration and pets
Dehydrated pets can be a life threatening symptom for dogs, cats, pups, kittens and other small pets.

Older pets or very young pets are at a great danger of dehydration during hot spells of weather.
Pregnant pets, nursing pets and sick pets are also very vulnerable to becoming dehydrated during hot weather.
An active pet will need constant supervision and an ample supply of fresh water in hot summer days.
If your pet has an injury or an arthritic condition the pets water bowl should be raised to allow easy access to the water. Position the pets water bowl in a safe and shaded position.
Dehydrated pets
Some symptoms that may be displayed by a dehydrated pet are
A simple method for a pet to chheck if their pet may be dehydrated is to due a skin test.
Pull the skin on the back of your pets neck gently to check for elasticity.
If the skin of your pet does not return to its natural shape it may indicate that your pet is suffering from dehydration.
Loss of appetite can be another indicator of a dehydrated pet.
cooling a pet
If your pet is not discomforted by having their mouth probed then a simple test for dehydration can be carried out by squeezing part of your pets gum.
The squeezed area should return to its normal condition within seconds of having the pressure released.. If the gum retains an unusual color this may indicate the presence of dehydration.
Preventing pets from dehydrating
To prevent dehydration a pet should have the following.
Leave large quantities of water in separate containers for your pet. Multiple container are better than a single water container. If a pet accidentally spills or fouls a water container it will still have access to fresh water from the other appropriately place water containers.
Raising the water bowl from ground level will also help your pet to keep cool in hot weather.
At all times if their is a concern that your pet may be dehydrated a visit to the vet should be considered.
A quick way of helping a dehydrated pet is to immerse the pet in a bath of cool water. This will reduce the body temperature of your pet and may calm it. Do not attempt to cool your pets body by immersing it in water if your pet shows signs of distress.
At all times a dehydrated pet should be taken as quick as possible to veterinary help.
A large selection of fans and heaters that are ideal for pets can be found at
The fans and heaters are weather proof and have double insulation to protect pets.
The pet heaters and pet fans are on a clearance sale at the moment and prices have been drastically reduced.
Dehydrated pets care sheets have been provided free for your personal use.
The Vet care sheets have come from a variety of professional sources but they should only be used as a general guide to help you understand your pets health.
They should not be used as a substitute for proper Veterinarian advice
A small heater that is suitable for pets can be found here
The heaters are safe and portable.